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Nonprofit Lawyer Questions

11 Essential Questions to Ask Your Nonprofit Lawyer

September 27, 2023

Just as the architect must construct the blueprint before the builder can lay the stones, so too must the nonprofit founder seek the counsel of an expert legal mind before embarking on their mission. Precisely navigating the labyrinthine complexity of nonprofit law is a Herculean task, one that requires a skilled guide - a nonprofit lawyer. To ensure that you select the most adept legal professional to aid your cause, we offer you a list of eleven crucial questions to engage your potential legal counsel.

  • What is your experience in nonprofit law?

The practice of law is as diverse as the human condition itself. Lawyers specialize in many areas, much like physicians or academicians. The expertise required to traverse the intricate dimensions of nonprofit law differs vastly from, say, corporate or criminal law. Hence, your lawyer's experience in this domain is paramount.

  • Can you aid in the formulation of our mission statement and bylaws?

In the context of a nonprofit, the mission statement is the lodestar, the guiding beacon that directs all action. While it may seem straightforward, the art and science of crafting a compelling, legally sound mission statement are complex. Similarly, establishing bylaws involves intricate legal acumen; your lawyer should be proficient in this area.

  • How adept are you at filing Form 1023 for tax exemption?

As nonprofits enjoy the benefit of tax exemption, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1023 is a keystone document. It is an application for recognition of exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your lawyer's competence in preparing and filing this form can expedite your tax-exempt status.

  • Can you guide us on regulatory compliance?

Nonprofits function within a complex matrix of regulations that govern everything from fundraising to operations. A lawyer with a comprehensive understanding of these statutes, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, can help ensure your organization operates within legal boundaries.

  • How proficient are you at handling audits?

Nonprofits can be audited by the IRS, state officials, or other entities. A skilled lawyer will not only help you navigate the audit but also institute proactive measures to minimize the likelihood of audit disputes.

  • What is your experience with nonprofit litigation?

Although you hope never to face litigation, it's wise to prepare for the possibility. A lawyer with experience in nonprofit litigation can provide valuable counsel should such an event occur.

  • Can you guide us on charitable solicitation laws?

Each state has unique laws regarding charitable solicitations, and noncompliance can result in penalties. A lawyer who understands these regulations can help your organization stay compliant.

  • How can you facilitate board governance?

The board of directors plays a crucial role in a nonprofit organization’s management. A lawyer can assist in structuring the board and establishing procedures that promote effective governance.

  • What is your experience with mergers and collaborations?

In an increasingly interconnected world, nonprofits often find it beneficial to merge or collaborate with other entities. A proficient lawyer can help navigate the legal complications of such arrangements.

  • Can you help us with intellectual property matters?

Nonprofits often grapple with intellectual property issues, specifically around trademarks and copyright. A lawyer well-versed in intellectual property law can safeguard your organization's unique identity and contribute to its growth.

  • What are your fees and how are they structured?

Lastly, as nonprofit organizations often operate on tight budgets, understanding the lawyer's fee structure is important. Some lawyers offer reduced rates or pro bono work for nonprofits.

In summary, the selection of a lawyer is a critical step in constructing a robust legal foundation for your nonprofit. Much like a master luthier selects the perfect wood for crafting a violin or a gourmet chef seeks the freshest ingredients, the choice of a nonprofit lawyer requires discernment and thorough investigation. Remember, the echo of a wise decision can reverberate through the lifetime of your organization.

Related Questions

Nonprofit law encompasses the rules, regulations, and legal procedures applicable to nonprofit organizations. This includes aspects like formation, governance, tax-exemption, and compliance with state and federal laws.

A mission statement is a brief description of a nonprofit's fundamental purpose. It outlines the organization's goals, the community it serves, and its core values.

Form 1023 is an application that organizations in the United States file with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to be recognized as a tax-exempt nonprofit under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is a federal law that sets standards for all U.S. public company boards, management, and public accounting firms. Although it does not apply directly to nonprofit organizations, some of its provisions are considered best practices for nonprofits.

Charitable solicitation laws are state-specific regulations governing how nonprofits can solicit donations from the public. These laws often require nonprofits to register with the state before soliciting donations.

Board governance involves the establishment and management of a nonprofit's board of directors. This includes setting up board structures, defining roles and responsibilities, and ensuring effective decision-making processes.

Intellectual property matters for a nonprofit may include issues related to trademarks, copyrights, and patents. This could involve protecting the organization's name, logo, or any unique programs or services it offers.
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